Grant Writing for Nonprofits: Podcast #25 Teresa Huff
In this episode, we discuss the white whale of the nonprofit world – grants. Everyone wants grant money, but no one knows how to find the applications. Grant Writer Mentor Teresa Huff talks to me about grant writing for nonprofits. We cover topics on where to find grants when to apply, and what to do […]

Fundraising Ideas for School PTO
I know parents roll their eyes when it comes to the same old and tired fundraising ideas for the school PTO. We wonder how much more wrapping paper and candy bars we can sell…again this year. I know how you feel. While those can be effective fundraisers, let’s think out of the box for easy, […]

034 Shane Sams: Kick Traditional Fundraising To The Curb. Let’s Generate Recurring Revenues Via A Membership...
We talked with Shane Sams about how nonprofits can generate recurring revenue streams by replacing the old fundraising events we dread so much with a membership-based business. I think we’ll all agree that no one will miss another chicken dinner at a gala. Shane has appeared three times on Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income podcast. […]

Re-thinking School PTO Fundraising and Marketing
Another candy or bake sale? More cookies and wrapping paper? It does not have to be this way. Wouldn’t you love to ditch those same lame recycled fundraisers everyone else is doing? Grandma may not mind buying more popcorn, but do you really want to hit up your college roommate or co-worker again? This article […]