How to knock your next fundraising auction out of the park with Greg Quiroga – Part 2

#004 – Greg is the owner and founder of Stellar Fundraising Auction.  He is a fundraising auction GURU.  He runs fundraising auctions for big and small volunteer organizations, including schools and shares a wealth of knowledge on how you can bring in more money at your next fundraising auction.   We had such a good exchange and he brought so much value that our conversation went longer than we planned.  This is Part 2.



3 Things to know when you solicit auction items – Watch Greg’s video to see how a professional auctioneer can make a difference in your event

3 Key Takeaways

  1. Fundraising auctions are relationship events for your community, donors, and vendors.
  2. If you have a motivated group, even if it is small, that is committed to doing the work and doing it early, you can put together a successful fundraising auction.
  3. Every group or organization has connections to provide unique experiences that special to members of its community.
  4. A fundraising auction requires a lot of work so if your fundraising goal is not at least $35k – $50k, an auction may not be right for you.

Show Notes

**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode

