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Will Coronavirus (COVID-19) stop my nonprofit event? Sam Swaim shares her insights.

Will Coronavirus (COVID-19) stop my nonprofit event? Sam Swaim shares her insights.

#008- This is my interview with Sam Swaim who is the co-founder of Swaim Strategies and we explore the question – Will coronavirus stop my nonprofit event?  Swaim Strategies works with nonprofits, large and small, to bring people together through events. This episode was recorded shortly after many local government authorities implemented restrictions on large gatherings due to the coronavirus crisis.  Many organizations had events planned and were wondering if they could or should still host their event. In this episode, we talk about what the decisions leaders of organizations are grappling with. Sam shares what she is seeing and hearing from nonprofit event organizers.  On the one hand, you don’t want to host an event that is not safe for your community. On the other hand, you may have extended substantial financial resources towards the event. What happens if you are forced to cancel your event because your local authorities have put a “shelter at home” order in place.  What can you do to protect your organization’s finances?



Swaim Strategies

The Show Must Go on – Fundraising Despite the Odds


Google Hangout


COVID-19 Fundraising Principles by Steven Screen

3 Key Takeaways

#1 If your event is before May 2020 you have 3 options:  

  1. Cancel
  2. Postpone
  3. Go virtual

#2  Be open, honest, and transparent with your community, vendors, and partners

#3 Everyone is challenged so don’t ignore what is going on and don’t be tone-deaf.  

Show Notes

**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode

[4:10] Events between March and May are being canceled, postponed, or are going virtual
[4:30] Be careful moving forward with a live event - you may be taking on liability
[4:50] Don't stop fundraising
[5:06] It is a good time to invest in donor relationships
[5:18] Are you still obligated to fulfill your event contract(s)
[6:15] This is not a time to think individually, it's a time to think collectively
[7:35] Vendors are working with event organizers to move to another 2020 date
[8:43] Be honest, be open, and be collaborative with your partners
[9:29] Force Majeure clause can free you from your contract
[10:55] Get on the phone and collaborate
[13:30] Creative ways to move forward with your event
[16:23] How do you strike the appropriate tone while fundraising during these times?
[16:52] Talk about how the coronavirus crisis is impacting your organization
[17:40] What should I do with the funds from tickets/registrations?
[18:52] You need to offer a refund as an option
[20:00] How should I communicate my plan? How far in advance?
[20:37] Cancel, postpone, or go virtual
[21:56] If your event goes virtual, have clear communication before, during, and after your event
[22:55] Meet your donors where they are communicating
[23:49] Put your plan on your website
[25:15] Change your social media messaging - the world has changed
[26:58] Include consignment travel in your auction
[30:41] Use challenges in your fundraising
[31:55] Ask your partners to match gifts
[32:50] Make sure you engage in your virtual events
[34:09] Tools people are using
[38:18] What happens when this is over?
[39:00] Start planning for what comes next
[39:40] Resources


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