Will Coronavirus (COVID-19) stop my nonprofit event? Sam Swaim shares her insights.
Will Coronavirus (COVID-19) stop my nonprofit event? Sam Swaim shares her insights.
#008- This is my interview with Sam Swaim who is the co-founder of Swaim Strategies and we explore the question – Will coronavirus stop my nonprofit event? Swaim Strategies works with nonprofits, large and small, to bring people together through events. This episode was recorded shortly after many local government authorities implemented restrictions on large gatherings due to the coronavirus crisis. Many organizations had events planned and were wondering if they could or should still host their event. In this episode, we talk about what the decisions leaders of organizations are grappling with. Sam shares what she is seeing and hearing from nonprofit event organizers. On the one hand, you don’t want to host an event that is not safe for your community. On the other hand, you may have extended substantial financial resources towards the event. What happens if you are forced to cancel your event because your local authorities have put a “shelter at home” order in place. What can you do to protect your organization’s finances?