What nonprofit leaders ought to know about hiring a virtual assistant – w/ Vicki Burkhart
#026 – Today I am speaking with Vicki Burkhart, founder and CEO of The More Than Giving Company. The company supports nonprofits with Virtual Assistants who allow nonprofit leaders to focus more on their mission and less on tasks. Vicki says:
”In most cases, they will come to us and say, I don’t know where to tell you to start so things have gotten so out of hand that they are already in a chaotic state” ….. “once you have a VA, you will start to see the time come back in your day”.
The company takes a different approach because it ONLY hires VAs with nonprofit experience. In addition, their VAs typically have 3 – 5 years of experience as a VA and they are put through a certification program.
Some of the popular tasks VA’s take on include:
- Basic bookkeeping;
- Database / contact management;
- Manage social media;
- Assist in donor engagement; and
- Draft communication.
4 Key Takeaways
#1 Four Major Obstacles to Nonprofit Success – lack of a plan; wrong board make-up; fundraising capacity; and lack of action.
#2 Once you hire a VA, you will start to see time come back into your day.
#3 Volunteer boards are finding they are spending way too much time doing the detail work and not enough time cultivating donors.
#4 There is a direct correlation between time spent on the stuff you need to do and the minutia.
Show Notes
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