Rob Webb’s Fundraising Tips That Will Take Your Organization To The Next Level.
#042 Today I am speaking with Rob Webb, founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of He founded the company in 2020 to offer online training as a result of seeing nonprofits struggle in the pandemic. Rob is YMCA trained and has over 30 years of experience guiding volunteers and staff in creating High Impact Fundraising Campaigns. One of Rob’s specialties is creating a culture of philanthropy.
“…what we found is so many nonprofit leaders – they view fundraising as drudgery. And they take that paradigm with them when they’re talking with their volunteers and their board members. And they do things unconsciously that drive that culture of charity, versus what we all try to preach was developing a culture of philanthropy.”
Rob teaches his clients that fundraising is all about relationships. Create an active vs a passive relationship. You have to get your hands dirty – talk to your donors and potential donors, spend time with them, find out what is important to them. Start with your banker, insurance broker, your stock broker, people that you have a natural relationship with. Just meet with them and ask for advice, not money. Everybody loves to give advice.
The pandemic showed us how we were over reliant on “special events”. Rob says we should rethink these events and view them as relationship builders rather than money makers.
“Nonprofits gravitate towards thinking special events are fundraisers. Every nonprofit that really took it in the shorts during the pandemic was over reliant on special events. I look at special events as FRIENDRAISERS more than fundraisers.”
Be sure to stick around until the end to hear how to get Deborah to send you a copy of her book
4 Key Takeaways
#1 Minimum levels of giving actually create maximum levels;
#2 Don’t become over reliant on grant funding;
#3 Don’t view fundraising as drudgery – be positive;
#4 Engage in ACTIVE not passive relationship building.
Show Notes
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