Jess Campbell’s 3 Step Fundraising Outreach Method With a 100% Response Rate.
#047 Today I am speaking with Jess Campbell from Out in the Boons. Jess’ superpower is building meaningful relationships that then turn into donor relationships. The #1 question Jess is asked is – how do I find new donors? Jess is a self described friend-maker, and relationship builder with big dreams. She has developed an outreach method with a 100% response rate that allows her clients to develop new and authentic relationships with potential donors.
“And so the effort to go into a new relationship with authenticity is paramount. And so, yeah, I have this method that I have practiced to date that has a 100% response rate. And thus I’ve started teaching it to my fellow fundraisers so that they can make real relationships that potentially lead to friendships and ultimately donations down the line”.
You’ll have to listen to the episode to hear the steps.
Jess is routinely asked about the effectiveness of sending mass emails vs taking the time to send tailored messages. She says you have to put yourself in the shoes of the recipient. How do you feel when you receive mass emails? Mass emailing may save you time, but tailored messages yield better results.
“When something is tailored and specific people feel very seen and that’s all we want. So I would just counter back that yes, you can do something in the masses that is vague and unspecific and you might get a very low return on investment. Or you can do something that is going to be a little bit more time and a little bit more effort, but it will yield results. And so you just have to choose where you want to put your energy”.
Be sure to stick around until the end to hear Jess’ learnings from the pandemic.
4 Key Takeaways
#1 The follow-up game is the most important part of fundraising;
#2 Tailored messages are more effective than mass emails;
#3 Sending short messages of value can deepen a relationship;
#4 Research says people have capacity for about 150 relationships- when you remove friends, family, and co-workers, that leaves about 75-90.
Show Notes
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